“Factory for Urban Living”というテーマの展覧会が韓国ソウルにて2018年3月から4月にかけて開催されました。北京、平壌、ソウル、台湾、東京における大学や建築設計事務所が集まり、各都市の工業と住まいに関わる問題提起と新しい可能性についての建築提案を行いました。小林恵吾研究室からは小林先生と修士2年のメンバーが中心となって東京墨田区の準工業地域を対象地とした住宅の提案を行いました。現地ではアジア各地の学生や建築家たちと交流する機会もあり、産業や建築に対する知見を広げることが出来ました。

“Production for Reduction”


Factory for Urban Living

Location: Seoul, South Korea
Program: Research & Exhibition
Area: NA
Client: Factory for Urban Living
Status: Exhibited March 2018
K2LAB (Waseda University)
Today, the city of Tokyo is confronting several prominent social issues, such as shrinking population, extreme aging and growing single population. There are around 820,000 empty houses in the city while many new apartments are still being built, replacing family owned factories with small rooms for singles.
As the new technology allow the shift from “how to make” to “what to make”, more focus shall be given to production steps such as “meet”, “talk”, “inspire”, “think” and “share”. Coincidentally, these steps are precisely what is missing from the daily lives of those singles in new apartments, isolated from the existing neighborhoods.
This project in Sumida Ward, aims at combining the production of living activities with production of products. Customized building elements, such as windows frames, stairs, and balconies are to be produced here and shall be installed into neighboring buildings. It slowly rehabilitates its community through both physical and social means, perhaps inefficient but necessary in this time of reduction.

K2LAB, together with NoRA, has participated in the exhibition in Seoul called “Factory for Urban Living” organized and curated by Nina Lappaport and Dongwoo Yim of PRAUD. Architects from several asian cities(Beijing, Pyongyang, Seoul, Taipei, and Tokyo) were invited to exhibit architectural visions for coexisting of production and living spaces in urban context.
Instagram: #factoryforurbanliving

