Oita “WAGNER PROJECT” 2023 @大分県 祝祭の広場

2016年から本研究室は、都市、広場、市民、ヒップホップをテーマにした4日間のイベント「ワーグナー・プロジェクト」のデザインに協力している。このプロジェクトは、ディレクターの高山明と彼のグループPort Bが発案した問いによって進められている。


2023年のワーグナー・プロジェクトは、大分市の祝祭の広場で開催された。祝祭の広場は、故磯崎新氏によって創設された日本初の真の公共広場である。日本の都市のNolly map (図と地を白黒で塗り分けた地図)を見ても、空間がどのように割り当てられているかはよくわからない。表面的には公共のように見えるスペースも、実際には民間団体が所有し、独自の制限を課しているのだ。磯崎は、日本におけるパブリック・スペースのあり方だけでなく、より自発的で多様な関わり方を可能にすることにも関心を寄せていたという。


Since 2016, Kobayashi Lab in Waseda has helped design Wagner Project, a 4 day event about city, square, citizen, and hip-hop. The project is driven forward by questions instigated by director Takayama Akira and his group Port B.

Wagner project was primarily conceived by Takayama Akira as a school for hip-hop, inspired by Richard Wagner’s opera Die Meistersinger von Nuremberg. The opera depicts a city of craftsmen polishing their poetry and singing skills to convene for a singing battle.

The Wagner project adapts this theme into a new model of pubic space used as open-air school where rappers, producers, and critics come together to perform, record mixtapes and critique young rappers in their art. It has taken place in Yokohama, Frankfurt, Kanazawa, and Oita creating loose cultural networks suggestive of Archigram’s Instant City.

The latest Wagner was held in Oita City’s Shukusai square, the first truly public square in Japan initiated by the late Isozaki Arata. A Nolli map of a Japanese city wouldn’t make a clear picture of how space is allocated. Spaces that might seem “public” on the surface are really owned by a private entity, who enforce their own restrictions. Isozaki was concerned not only with how to create public spaces in Japan, but to enable more spontaneous and diverse engagement with them.

2023’s Wagner project attempted to bring together hip hop, b-boying, architecture, skateboarding, and graffiti together into an open-air school. We endeavored to design a space which people could discover new velocities, tempos, expressions, volumes, and self-identities within their own city, in a way which the fragments of those activities would persist and be renewed as new expressions.

【所在地】 大分県 大分市 祝祭の広場

【設計】Horio Lisa, Owen Law, Kei Hiraguri, Rei Sato, Yakin Selenay, Riko Hiraiwa, Matsunaga Takashi
